zaterdag 30 november 2013

Update 30-11-2013 Brian - Nicky fanfic

Update 30-11-2013 Brian - Nicky fanfic

Nicky sat down at the table with Kevin. “So you guys made he up?” Kevin asked curious. Nicky blushed “Yeah, I guess you can say that”. Kevin smiled “good to hear that”. “Thanks. So what are you guys doing to do today?” Kevin shrugged “we’re going to next location and this afternoon we have to show up in a radio show and right after that we have to do a foto shoot and a interview for a magazine. Oh and tonight we’ll be in a tv show” he took a bite from his croissant. “Wow, talking about a tight schedule” Nicky said. Kevin nodded while chewing.

She looked up behind her and saw Brian and Nick coming back with a tray of cups. When they entered the table he put the tray on the table so everyone could pick their own cup. “In case the Backstreetboys quit one day you always have a chance to get a career as a waiter” Nicky joked. Nick and Kevin laughed. Brian pretended to be insulted “Whoa, stop it young lady. Show a little respect  hey”. “Haha, just kidding” she giggled. He placed his arm around her shoulder “you are so going to punished for that tonight” he whispered in her ear. Nicky cheeks turned red while  Brian gave her an evil grin. OMG what did she get herself into?

Jen came up to the table to make sure the boys would leave in time. Later Nicky and the others would follow them to the next hotel. Brian said he’d call her later today if he could and they took off. About an hour later she and crew left too and after travelling to the new hotel and getting checked in Nicky had the rest of the day off. She made a quick call to her mom and heard that her has been stable through the night. He still had the fever but it fortunately didn’t get any worse.

After she unpacked she went for lunch with Kylie. They took a cab to the city centre and ended up in  a lunchroom. They ordered and enjoyed a nice cappuccino as they waited for their food.

“So tell me, what’s going on between you and Brian?” Kylie asked  she took a sip from her coffee. Nicky told her what happened at the pool the other day, told about Jason, she also talked about her brother, the things that happened yesterday and this morning.  When she was done filling her in they had finished their food and Kylie couldn’t believe what she’d heard. “Wow Nick, but about Jason how do you feel about this all?”. Nicky shrugged “I don’t know. It’s weird. A couple of months ago it was all I’d ever wanted but now everything’s changed you know. I finally had peace that me and Jason would never, you know, would date and all $and now this” Nicky sighed ”I don’t know what to think of it honestly”. Kylie took her wallet and paid the bill “Maybe you shouldn’t  worry so much about. Just let it happen. It’s all been a little too much action the last couple of days. Just relaxed a little”. “Maybe you’re right” she sighed and took her bag. They went back to the hotel.

Kylie had booked herself a spa treatment earlier and  Nicky spend the afternoon reading a book and listening to some music. So every once in a while she looked at her cell to see if she had a message or maybe even missed a call but nothing came in.

Just when Nicky wanted to take a shower before dinner she heard a soft knock. She opened the door and was surprised to find Jason behind it. “Hi” she smiled surprised. “Hi” Jason returned the smile. “You want to come in?” Nicky asked. “Sure” he stepped in her room. He carried a grocery bag and sat down on the couch. He took out two cans of coke and bag of potato chips.

“So you talked to your mom yesterday, tell me, how’s your brother doing?” he asked while he ate some chips. Nicky told him all and took a hand of chips out of the bag. “Ok, so he’s stable now” he asked. “Yes” she nodded while she chewed. “I’m glad for you Nick. I know he isn’t there yet but still” he looked at her with his beautiful brown eyes and for a moment she was caught by his stare. It made her feel confused not to mention guilty especially since she had made up with Brian this morning. Besides they were only friends and it bothered her that she all of a sudden felt like this again. She forced herself to ignore her feelings at that point and continued the conversation. “I’m glad it’s just the infection and not something else” Nicky sighed. “Same here” he took a sip from his coke.

For a moment there was this awkward silence between them. Jason finally took a deep breath “And do you” he paused for a second “want to tell me what’s happening between you and Brian?”. Nicky’s heart skipped a beat and redness crawled up from her neck “eh…” she didn’t knew exactly what to tell him “what do you want to know?” she asked hoarse. Jason played with his can and looked up at her “everything” he answered. All she could do was tell him. They’d been friends for so long and lying to him simply felt wrong so she told him everything.

Jason wasn’t amused with what she’d told him but he chose not to let her know that. Deep down he knew a girl like her would never fall for him. He knew that very well. He only wished that it wasn’t Brian Littrell she had feelings for. That was like playing a game of darts as an amateur against a champion like Phill Taylor. Destined for failure. She also told him about what happened yesterday. A part of him just couldn’t stand Brian. The way, he heard, Brian treated her yesterday made him angry. “Just promise me one thing ok?” he asked her as he laid his hand on hers “that if you ever need someone to$ talk to, or a shoulder for that matter, you come to me, ok?”. Nicky nodded and smiled shy. He stood up “I should go”. Nicky got up from the couch too. She brushed the crumbs of chips from her jeans and followed him to the door. Before he stepped out her room he turned around to her one last time “Nicky, I promise you if that guy ever does something to hurt you he’ll have to answer to me. He’ll better be good to you” he cupped her face with his hands and pierced her eyes with his stare “You only deserve the best Princess” he bended over to her and before Nicky realized what had happened he gave her a small kiss on her forehead and left.  

She closed the door and was bedazzled. She didn’t knew what to think anymore. She was falling head over heels for Brian but there was still a part of her that had feelings for Jason. “aaaaaahhhhhhh” she growled out loud feeling frustrated. Instead of taking a shower she decided to put on her gym clothes and headed off to the gym of the hotel. She had to take her mind off of it for a moment. She had the gym all for herself and for forty five minutes she ran on the treadmill, she then lifted weights, trained her abs and spend half an hour on the cross trainer. Out of breath and soaked in sweat she went back to her room and took a hot shower. When she was done her mind was clear again. She wanted Brian and that’s it.

After dinner Brian called her. They were probably coming back late so they agreed he would stop by her room tomorrow.  

She then went over to Lauren and Leigh where Kylie later joined them too and played cards and board games in the hotel lobby. After a couple of hours they all went back to their rooms and went to sleep.

woensdag 14 augustus 2013

Permanent Stain

chapter 1

I still remember that night….
It was the end of senior year and most of us had graduated. This was it. The final party before everybody went off to study at another university or began their career.  Perhaps this was the most important event of the year since we all had to say goodbye to each other. There was no pressure anymore because school was now officially over. A lot happened that night. There were even some surprises that no one would’ve thought it would ever happen.

The day of the bonfire arrived and I was prepping myself for the festivities. My bff came to pick me up. I chose to wear a short red dress and she had jeans on with a short top. It was a hot summer day and the heat was taking its toll. These kind of hot, long summers were perfectly normal for where we came from.  I had my bikini underneath my dress and so did Jen. Our towels where stuffed in a bright colored beach bag along with our make – up and a secret stock of booze and smokes and of we went.
We walked to the beach from the parking lot and joined our other friends. The night went by and while some were playing on acoustic guitars and sang songs others got really drunk while other people made out. Some were just sitting in the sand by themselves and others sat in little groups with their friends. The night felt magical. 

Me and Jen were a bit tipsy when two guys approached us. It was Howard and Mike. My heart stopped for a second…. and then continued to beat only now I felt nervous. Me and Howard never really had that much contact during our studies. I mean, he was a popular guy and I was just a ‘plain Jane”. So him not noticing me was a certainty for me, like for sure.  Howie was definitely good looking. He had this gorgeous South American look.

Mike and Jen where together for a couple of months now and they quickly took off and basically left me with Howard.

“You want a beer?” I asked while I bended over to my bag. 

“Yeah sure” he smiled and took the beer. “So what are your plans for the upcoming year?”.

“I haven’t decided yet” I sighed “maybe take a little time off to travel, I don’t know. You?”

He wrapped his arms around his legs and stared into the fire “I have a couple of weeks of and then were going on tour with the Backstreetboys. So things are going to be real busy for me”.

We were silent for a couple of minutes when I noticed him putting his arm around me. I instantly blushed and didn’t dare to look at him. He gently made me face him and brushed a string of hair out of my face. “I wanted to do this ever since I first met you” he spoke with a soft low voice. My heart stopped beating, again! His face slowly came closer and I closed my eyes not really understanding what was about to happen. His velvet soft lips finally touched mines and he kissed me like I’d never been kissed before. He sure knew how to kiss a girl. Butterflies raced through my body.  That night was a night to remember.

He got up and helped me up to. He took my hand and guided me away from the fire into the dark. The beach now was only lid by moonlight and the rushing of the waves. There were some lovebirds making out in the sand but it wasn’t that crowded as the bonfire. He looked at me and smiled. His one hand slowly touched my face and the other slowly went down to the lower part of my back “You are so beautiful, do you know that?” he softly kissed me.

“No” I blushed. Thank goodness it was dark. He looked me deep in my eyes and again kissed me with passion. “You want to go for a swim?” my voice trembled. I saw his eyes lit up and he smiled “sure”.
I was a bit unsure over myself and was a bit slow with taking of my clothes while Howard immediately took of his jeans and shirt. The sight of his athletic body took my breath away. He was gorgeous, like a girls dream. He walked towards me “come on or do you need help?” he laughed and lifted his eyebrows. Feeling a little shy I took my dress of. He looked at me and took me in his arms “wow” he whispered and his lips found mines again. 

He then lifted me up by surprise and ran with me into the shore and threw me in the water. I  screamed because the water was really cold. I then felt his arms around me and then his body pressing against mine whilst his lips were searching for mines. The rest of the evening was awesome. Let me put it this way he definitely fit into the picture we have about Latin American men. 

Howard and I spend the next few weeks together as much as possible. The management of the Backstreetboys didn’t allow the boys to have girlfriends so we had to keep ours as quiet as possible. It was the best summer ever. Whenever I was with him I felt free. That boy literally made me feel like I had wings. The way he sometimes looked at me with such passion and temptation was something I never experienced before and never would again with any other man.  

woensdag 19 juni 2013

Update 19-6-2013 Nick - Kirsten fanfic

“We have to go brother” AJ tapped him on the shoulder. Nick sighed. This was the moment he had been trying to avoid since the moment he woke up that morning. Kirsten looked at him with a very sad look in her eyes. He curled his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

“Are you ready?” he whispered in her ear.

Kirsten took a deep breath and gave him a weak smile “I guess so”. She stood up and with her the rest of the group. They wished her a safe trip home and hugged her wishing her strength.

“Thanks guys, we really have to leave now” Nick tried to speed things up a little.

Brian gave Kirsten a final hug “listen sweetie, if there’s anything I can do you let me know okay.”

Kirsten nodded and she felt tears welling up in her eyes again.

“If you want to talk, have a little fun or whatever you know where to find me” he hugged her tight and then let her go.

Nick took Kirsten’s suitcase and her hand and guided her to the mini - van.  They stepped into the vehicle and didn’t spoke a word on their way to the airport. Kirsten couldn’t speak anyway. The lump in her throat and the tears behind her eyes trying to come out prevented her to speak. She still couldn’t believe that her dad passed away. The thought about it was bizarre.  

Nick felt awkward. He wanted to comfort her but just didn’t know what to say. He hated seeing her in this pain. He also couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to her in the next hour. He didn’t know when he was going to see her again. A lump appeared in his throat. And he felt the tears behind his eyes too. He swallowed to make the lump go away but without success. He played with the car radio while driving and skipped from one radio station to the other.  He then looked at Kirsten and saw her crying in silence.  He lay his hand on her leg “I’m so sorry baby” he choked and tears rolled over his cheeks. Kirsten weakly smiled back and tried to brush away the tears on his cheeks.  “Look at us, crying like children” she smiled while tears still ran over her cheeks. “Yes well, it’s not that strange given the circumstances” Nick dried his own tears with the back of his hand. He turned down to the right and drove up to the parking lot of the airport. He parked the car and stopped the engine. Kirsten played with her bracelet, extending her last moments with Nick. She sighed “Well I guess this is it then”.

Nick buckled off his safety belt and turned to her “I’m so gonna miss you” the tears rolled over his cheeks. “Me too” Kirsten choked and broke down in tears too. They hugged each other and his lips found hers.  Their kiss lasted for 5 minutes. They really didn’t wanted to let go of each other but they had to if Kirsten didn’t want to miss her plane.  Nick stopped the kiss “Come sweetie, I don’t want to but we have to” he sighed. Kirsten nodded “Yes I know”.

They got out of the vehicle and Nick took her suitcase from the car. Sadness came over his heart. She took his hand and they walked inside the airport. Inside they quickly found the register to check in and after the luggage drop off he walked her to the “Customs”.  Now they really had to say goodbye. Nick wrapped his arms around her and began to cry. Kirsten held him tight to her and also cried. “I’m so gonna miss you” she whispered trough her tears. He didn’t want to let go but the customs officer made clear the gate was almost closing. He kissed Kirsten one last long time and then she turned to the officer. Her plane ticket and passport got accepted and she walked in the direction of the gate to go to her plane. She looked over her shoulder to Nick and wished she didn’t have to leave without him. She saw his face and knew he was dying in a little on the inside. She waved at him and he waved back and then she was through the gate.  She couldn’t see Nick anymore. This was so hard. She walked to the seats to wait for the plane to leave. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket.

I miss you already. It sucks leaving you here and knowing you’re going to a really hard time and I can’t go with you to support you. I love you so much. I can’t describe it. I’m climbing the walls ‘cause I miss you babe. Xxxxxxxxxx Nick

She quickly texted him back.

I miss you too baby. I can’t believe all this happening to me right now. If only you could be with me. I love you Nick. I’ll call as soon as I arrive on Schiphol airport. I have to go now, the plain leaves within a couple of minutes. Love you baby xxxxxx Kirsten.

She sends the message and joined the others in line to the final ticket / passport check to get into the plane.

Nick went back through the airport to go to the van. A couple of fans recognized him on his way back to the parking lot. With all this happening he totally forgot to put on sunglasses and a baseball cap which usually worked if he wanted to be incognito. Even though he was sad he did took the time to take pictures and give autographs to them. That was part of the deal being a Backstreetboy. You had to make time for the fans in order to stay successful and loved by them. Normally it was never an issue. He loved the contact with his audience, but today was just not his day.   

After saying goodbye to the fans he finally reached the van and drove back to the hotel.  He felt miserable. He walked into the hotel and reached his room. He had to perform tonight and had to hurry to reach the venue. He was going to be late for sound check but the guys would cover for him. He grabbed a backpack and got an extra set of clothes, his toiletry bag and his glasses. It was awfully quiet and empty in his room. A tear rolled over his cheek. He took a deep breath and walked back to the minivan to get to the venue.

After a little while he reached the venue and quickly went inside and rushed to stage where the others were busy with the sound check party. He got welcomed on stage by the fans with loud cheering and screams. He took the microphone and spoke “I’m sorry I’m late. I hope you don’t hold it against me. It was something personal I had to do. But I’m here and now we can continue this party!” he smiled. He had to play happy go lucky until the show was over. The others hadn’t told the fans what was going on and Nick was thankful for that.

The sound check went by and during diner Nick didn’t really spoke to any of the guys. He felt love sick. He had looked on his phone almost a thousand times to see if there were any messages from Kirsten. It was foolish of course. He knew she had to fly for over 10 hours to get home in the Netherlands. So by the time she was able to text or call him it was early in the morning here and he was probably, hopefully, asleep.   

He played a little with his food not feeling very hungry when Howie sat down next to him. “Are you okay?” Howie asked while taking a bite from his taco. “I don’t know, no not really. But I can’t do anything about hey” he took a sip from his beer. Howie frowned “are you drinking?” Nick’s frowned back “What are you saying? I can’t have a beer with my dinner? What is your problem?”.

“Relax man, all I wanted to say is that booze is not going to fix your problems” Howie explained.
“Well thanks but I don’t need your advice. And for your information, I was only having a beer because it tastes good with Chinese food” Nick bitched back.

“Listen, if you need some company come to my room after the show. We’ll watch a movie, play some cards. Kev is joining us too” Howie suggested.

“Maybe, I don’t know” Nick sighed while sipping on his drink.
Howie stood up “I’m going to hair and make – up, see you there ok?” and walked towards the hall near the dressing rooms.

The show went well that night. The crowd was as excited as ever and Nick managed to keep his thoughts to the show and gave everything in his performance. It helped him escape the hurt he felt.
After the show they went back to the hotel. “Are you coming with us?” Howie asked.

“No, I’m gonna try and sleep. It’s been a very intense day today”.