vrijdag 1 juni 2012

Aaron - Bridget (BSB + wives and girlfriends) fanfiction: Love, Family, Friends and fans

This fanfic is about  Lauren and Nick, their best friend Bridget (in reality there is no Bridget but that’s the nice thing about fanfics LOL, we can make them up) the rest of the BSB and their wives (and Aaron, although he's not a BSB member).  I don't know any of them but it's always nice to be able to relate to them in a way. This story is all fiction. Please do not steel, copy or reproduce any of my work without my permission. Feel free to respond and let me know if you like my fanfic.

Chapter 1

I'm Bridget. Lauren is my best friend and I know her for almost all my life. Since a couple of years she's in a wonderful relationship with Nick. My love life? .... Well I think it's for the best if we don't pay attention to my ex - boyfriends. At this moment I'm enjoying my life as a single woman. But I recently lost my job.  While being in a job interview  I got a text from Lauren: Hey honey, I think I might have the perfect job 4 U! Call me! X L.K. I called her as soon as I got out of my interview at a local paper. The phone went over  and got answered. "Lauren" she said. 

"Hi girl" Lauren said cheerful. "Are you still looking for a job?" She asked. "Yeah I am" I sighed. "Well maybe I have the answer to your problems" she answered. "Tell me" I said. "Well, Caitlin is leaving the BSB crew. She's responsible for the VIP events before the concert starts. I did a good word for ya and Steve, the big boss, wants you to come over to meet you. They need somebody who they can depend on and who is reliable. And someone who knows how to deal stress and screaming fans. And I know that you are the perfect person for this job" Lauren said. "Wow, I didn't see that one coming" I laughed. "Ehm, okay sure, when can I talk to him?" I asked. "Wait a sec. I'll ask" Lauren said. "Honey" I heard her say on the background "I have Bridget on the phone". "Ow tell her I said hi" Nick said. "You know what" Lauren said to me in the phone "I'll get you on speaker". "Hi Nick, how are you". "Hey gorgeous, I'm fine. How are you?". "I'm okay" I grinned. "I heard you're looking for someone to organize VIP events?" I asked. "Yeah, we do" Nick answered. "And since Lauren and I both know you for such a long time now and because of your working experience we figured that this would be the job for you. So we convinced Steven and he wants you to come over a.s.a.p. So my question to you is that you're coming over tonight and Steve will stop by also. So maybe you two could talk tonight?" Nick said enthusiastic. "Wow, well eh..." I stuttered. "Don't worry, he's a great guy. Really nice and outgoing. It's just a talk. Not a formal job interview. Just be yourself, wear casual clothes. Just be you" Nick said convincing. "Ok, great. I'll go home change and then I'll drive over to you ok?" I asked. "It's cool babe" Lauren said. "Ow Bridge" Lauren said "don't forget your resume". "I won't. See you an hour or two. Bye" I said. "Bye sweetie" Lauren replied. The line went down.
 I drove home and changed my clothes. I’d put a cream white t-shirt on,  a pair of black, tight, boot cut jeans and  sneakers. I looked into the mirror in my hallway and was happy with what I saw. I hadn’t been sleeping well for months after Jake and I broke up. He left right at the time that I needed him the most. Thank God for Lauren as well as Nick. They have been such a great support to me after he left. But now things were getting better. I’ve solved some issues I had and I recently made the decision to stay single for a while. No romance for me in the near future. I slept whole nights again and for the first time in weeks I felt fit and positive again. Last week, Lauren had tried to set me up for a date with some single guy she knew, but I refused. “Nope, Cupid has to knock on someone else’s door” I said out loud and grinned. I grabbed my keys and my coat and walked out the door to my car and drove off to Nick and Lauren’s house.
I arrived at their house and parked my car. It was a late birthday party for Nick’s birthday. I walked towards the door and used the doorknocker. I heard talking at the other side of the door and Nick opened. “Hey babe, nice to see you again. Come in” he said enthusiastic. “Thanks” and I kissed him on his cheek. “Happy birthday” I smiled and gave him his present. “Oh thanks” he cheered. He took my coat also and  together we walked into the living room. Besides Lauren and Nick there were no other visitors. They would attend the party after dinnertime. Lauren walked into the room from out the kitchen. “Hey sweetie, how are you “ Lauren squeaked . “I’m fine, thanks and you? Congrats with Nick, honey” I said. “Thank you! I’m fine. You want cake?” she asked. “No I’ll pass. I’m on a diet. I need to get that extra weight off” I sighed. Nick opened his present. I got him a new game for his GameCube. “Hey thanks, how did you know that I wanted this game” he asked surprised. “Ow, just a guess” I smiled. I looked at Lauren and she gave me a blink. I grinned. Nick’s cell suddenly made a lot of noise. “Sorry babes, I have to get this one” he grabbed his cell and walked out of the room. Lauren looked at me with disbelief “What extra weight are you talking about? You are perfect just as you are” she said. “No really, I gained fifteen pounds after Jake had left me and I really want to lose it” I said “I don’t feel comfortable looking like this”. “But do it wisely then OK? What diet are you on?” she asked. “This week I started with WW” I said “and I also started to work out three times a week” I explained. “OK then. I know WW. It’s a good program. My mom did it too and she’d lost a lot of weight” Lauren said. The door from the hallway went open and Nick came back into the living room. “Who was it, honey” Lauren asked Nick. “Ow it was Aaron. He called to ask if it was OK if he joined us for dinner. I said he could” Nick said. “Sure, and what time will he be coming over” Lauren asked. “He is now at the studio and he was about to drive off so I guess he’ll be here in about ten minutes” Nick said. “Bridget, I don’t remember if you ever met Aaron?” Nick looked at me. “I haven’t met him yet. I mean you and Lauren told me about him and I know who he is but no, I haven’t ever met him” I said. “He’s cool. He had a rough year, last year, but now he’s doing real good. He’s busy recording a new album and he has a lot of gigs” Nick said. “Wow, good for him. And I heard he got himself in The Fantasticks” I said. “Yep, that’s right. He absolutely loves it. It’s good to see my little brother doing so well” Nick said looking happy.
We heard a sound in the hallway and the door flew open. “Hi guys” Aaron walked into the room. He looked a lot like his brother. But instead of Nick having strong blue eyes, Aaron had brown eyes. He greeted Lauren and Nick and introduced himself to me. “Hi, I’m Aaron, nice to meet you” he said and gave me a hug. “Nice to meet you too” I said. Aaron’s eyes pierced into mine. “I’m Bridget”. “Ah, Bridget” and he gave me a smile “you’re Lauren’s friend right?  She told me about you” he smiled. “Ok” and I looked at Lauren. She quickly looked away and mumbled that she would fix us some drinks and walked off into the kitchen. Nick quickly followed her.  I blushed. “She didn’t tell me anything embarrassing” Aaron grinned. “No, I know she would never do that” I said. We chit-chatted about all sorts of things. Nick and Lauren both came back into the room and gave us an approving look. Where they trying to hook me up with Aaron? I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t looking for love at this point in my life. I had to admit that he was good looking, handsome and charming, but I wasn’t ready, yet, for another man in my life. I frowned back at them and then looked at Aaron gave him a dazzling smile. Just because I wasn’t looking for a relationship didn’t mean that I couldn’t flirt. And Aaron went along and smiled back and looked into my eyes a little too long, with his gorgeous brown eyes, for a normal chat. I felt butterflies but, considering the fact that I hadn’t been in a flirtatious situation for a while, it seemed pretty normal that I ‘d felt that way.    

Chapter 2


I had to admit that she was nice. As in real nice. Nick and Lauren told me that their friend, Bridget, was single. Last week Lauren showed me some party pics, from her and Bridget. I didn’t understand why a girl, with her looks, is still single. I mean, guys would probably stand in line for her.  Lauren also told me earlier that Bridget really wasn’t looking for a relationship but hey, I’m not going to give up only because she thinks she doesn’t want romance. 

I gave her a long look in the eye, while she was talking to me. I noticed that she was getting a little red on her cheeks. She had beautiful long dark blond hair, blue eyes that sometimes had a green shade. She was slim. Not model – like slim but nice girl next door slim with some feminine curves here and there without her looking fat. I like girls who look like that. It’s natural. Nick and I both have  the same taste when it comes to girls. Take Lauren for example. She has a great healthy figure without being very skinny.  Of course she does the body building thing etcetera but she has a healthy look. And the same goes for Bridget. While talking I noticed that Bridget was flirting with me, by the look and smile she gave me. I also saw the approving look Nick and Lauren gave her and her reaction to that. We’d see what the night would bring.
“Guys, dinner is ready” Nick called out from the kitchen. Bridget and I both stood up and walked into the dining room. The table was ready and I hold her chair so that she could sit down. “Thanks Aaron, how thoughtful” she said with her sweet voice. “You’re welcome. But I think every guy would’ve done that for you” I said with a smile. “Not every guy, believe me” she said. “Do you wanna talk about him” I asked. “No, I don’t” she said. “Ok” I said. There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.  “So do you live close by?” I asked. “It’s a ten minute drive from here” and she explained where she lived.  “That’s a nice neighborhood to live. Some friends of mine live there also” I said. “And where do you live?” she asked me. “Well, I have my own apartment downtown since a couple of weeks and I have an apartment in New York” I said. “Ah yes, because you’re playing in “The Fantasticks. Nick told me about it” she said smiling. “Have you two been gossiping about me” Aaron said teasingly. “Haha, well only good things Aaron. Don’t worry” and she smiled back at me. She had a beautiful smile. I gave her a blink. Then the door of the dining room went open and Lauren and Nick came in with bowls of food.  

It was real tasty. They served several kinds of fish, rice, vegetables and soya sauce for dinner. It was yummy. “Nice job guys, this stuff tastes really good” she said. “Thank you” Nick said. During dinner we talked about all kinds of things. Lauren asked me if  I’d brought my sleeping stuff. I did. It was still in my car. Aaron stayed over also. Of course in another room (LOL). After dinner we both helped Nick and Lauren in the kitchen cleaning up. Aaron did the washing and I did the drying. Nick and Lauren where busy with making snacks for the night and me and Aaron had fun as he tried to spray water on me with the washing - up brush. “Oh for God sake, guys please. The guests are arriving in half an hour” Nick whined. “Come on bro’, don’t be so harsh on us. I remember a time that you where young also and…” Aaron said quasi serious. “What do you mean about ‘the time I was young also’?” Nick replied. “Ow come on honey, he’s just mocking you” Lauren smiled. Nick softly slapped the back of Aarons head. 

After we finished doing the dishes we went back to the living room. Lauren served us coffee and the conversation continued.

 The doorbell ranged. Nick went to the door and let the guests in. And if I wasn’t mistaken, I heard Brian and Leighanne’s voice down the hall. The door of the living room went open and they walked inside the room. I was happy that they could come over tonight. I haven’t seen them in a while. We sometimes called but not on a regular basis. They first congratulated Lauren and Aaron and then walked up to me. Brian gave me a hug. “Hi Bridget, it’s been a long time” he smiled. “Yes indeed, it’s been a while” I smiled back. Leighanne gave me a hug also. “Hi hun, you look good” she said cheerful. “Thank you, both” I said grateful. “It’s been a rough year for me but the last couple of months it’s like I’m facing light again. I don’t know how to describe it but I feel a lot more positive and balanced then when it all happened with Jake” I explained. I noticed Aaron looking at me. I felt flattered. “I’m happy you’re getting back on your feet again. Have you heard anything from Jake lately?” Brian asked. “No” I sighed. “And frankly, I’m happy for it too. I’ve heard he is dating other girls and enjoying his life as a single man. His relationship with Brooke didn’t work out but I don’t know the story about that” I said.  “But there is one thing you guys should know” I said and I turned  red. “And that is…” Brian asked. “I’ve started smoking again” I said ashamed. “Aaah noo, Bridget” Leighanne said. “ What a shame, how long were you smoke free?” she asked. “About 3 years” I sighed. “We don’t judge you girl, and I understand the mess you’ve been in. And if smoking, in what way,  might help you get through that difficult time than maybe it’s worth it in the end” she said. “Thanks Leighanne. I’ve decided that within the next 6 months I’m going to stop” I said.   “ Good for you”  Brian said. “Maybe you can talk AJ in to it as well ” he said while giving me a blink. Leighanne stood up from the couch. “I’m going to Lauren for a sec” . “Ok babe” Brian said. “Speaking of AJ , Is he coming tonight?”  I asked. “ I don’t know”  Brian said. “ Nick” Brian raised his voice a little so that Nick would notice him “Are AJ and Rochelle also coming tonight?” Nick nodded yes. Brian smiled. “He and Rochelle are a great couple” he said. “ Yeah they are”  I said. “AJ really changed in a positive way, because of her. I’m so happy for the both of them” I said. “ Yes, me too” Brian said. “How are you doing physically now? Leighanne told me you had been hospitalized, right after Jake decided to leave. What happened, or don’t you wanna talk about it?” Brian asked with a soft voice. “To tell you the truth, besides Lauren and Nick and my family, you are the first to know” I said with a soft voice. “Would you mind going outside?” I asked. “Sure” he said. We both stood up and went outside. I noticed Aaron following me with his eyes, while talking to Leighanne, Nick and Lauren. After we got outside I lighted a cigarette. “Jake didn’t leave me, Brian. I kicked him out.” I said. And I saw Brian looking shocked. So I started telling him “The week before it all happened I found out that I was 8 weeks pregnant”. “ Wow, I didn’t knew that” Brian said. “The Wednesday after I found out of the pregnancy I got a call on my house phone. It was a girl and she asked for Jake. So I asked her who she was. She said that she wouldn’t tell me and that Jake was the one who’d tell me. And then she hung up. In the mean time I inhaled the smoke of my cigarette and blew it out. Jake came home from work and I confronted him with this strange phone call. He got angry and screamed he was sick and tired of our relationship. This came as a shock to me because everything seemed to be ok like it always was. There was no sign of him feeling unhappy in our relationship.  

“He told me that he’d fell in love with Brooke. He’d been meaning to tell me but then it became clear that I was pregnant. And he didn’t knew what to do. But the bottom line was that he didn’t love me as much as he used to. That’s where it basically came down to.”Brian looked at me, still shocked. “Wow, I’d never imagined this would happen. I mean you and Jake seemed the perfect couple” he said. “Well, I thought so myself but what a fool I’ve been. And after that whole charade I kicked him out. I got furious and literally kicked and punched him out of my house”. I sighed. I felt a lump in my throat and I felt that I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. My eyes got wet and a tear rolled down my cheek.  With a skipping voice I continued my story “After that, I run up the stairs and I tripped over a shoe, halfway up the stairs. And I fell down 8 steps to the ground. And..” I stopped for the  second time because the tears where pouring down my face. Brian walked up to me and gave me a real big hug. I let my tears came out while my head was leaning on his shoulder. God, these feelings had been inside me for so lang. I couldn’t control myself any longer. I broke down to tears even more. “It’s okay, honey”. He said and caressed my back. He looked at me with such compassion in his eyes. “It’s killing me to see you like this, sweetheart. But I also believe that it’s really good for you to get your emotions out in the open”. He planted a kiss on my forehead. I took a real deep breath and gave him a sad smile. “Thanks. I guess you’re right. Well, after the fall, I immediately had really unbearable  cramps and I knew that it wasn’t good. I had my cell in the pocket of my jeans and called Jake. He basically said that it was my problem now. He wasn’t coming over to help me and he said that it was my own fault I fell down. The last thing he said was that if I’d lose the baby, that it would probably be the best for both of us”. I said, and the tears came running down my face again. “You’ve got to be kidding me” Brian said a little pissed off. “Seriously, what an ass. Oh my lord. What a moron. I swear, if I ever get him in front of my car I will kick in the accelerator and make sure he gets hit”. Brian now became really angry. “It’s usually not my style, doing things like that, but this is insane. How could he?” he raised his voice a little. “Yeah I know. And well, after that I called 911 and my mom and within 20 minutes I was the hospital having my miscarriage” I said. Brian sighed. “I still can’t believe it” he said. “But, honestly, I’m done talking about him for tonight. Sorry that I’ve put you up with this mess” I apologized. “No really, it’s nothing compared to what you must’ve been through” he said. “You know what, we are going back inside and then I’ll ask Lauren to give you a nice glass of red wine and then we are going to have fun all night. It’s time to get this mess out of your head” and he gave me a crazy mouth.  I giggled and took a deep breath. “You’re a clown, you know that?” I said. “Yep, my wife calls me that all the time haha” he said. He took my hands pulled me up so that I had to stand up from the wooden bench and made us rotate in circles. We rotated faster and faster and I giggled louder and louder. After we stopped I couldn’t stop giggling right away. Brian laughed also. “Come. We’re going inside” he said. And we walked inside the house again.

I saw Lauren looking worried at me. “Lauren, I think Bridget would like to have a glass of red wine now” he smiled. “Ow does she? “ she smiled. She turned her head towards me “Bridge, come with me then you get to pick your wine” she smiled. I gave Brian a cheerful look and he gave me a funny face again.
I followed Lauren to the kitchen. “Are you alright?” she asked, and gave me the same worried look as she did when I got back into the house. “Yeah, I am. Thank you” I said. “I just wanted to make sure. You looked sad when the two of you returned” she said. “Well, I can explain that. I told Brian what happened between me and Jake and also about the miscarriage. And while telling him about it I cried. I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. And he comforted me a little. He is such a wonderful guy” I said. “Yeah he is” Lauren smiled. “Brian is such a sweet man. He’s really a man of honor”. We heard footsteps and a cough behind us and there were both Nick and Brian. “Why don’t you ever talk about me like that” Nick said quasi resentful. Brian poked Nick in his shoulder “I’m  sorry bro’, I can’t help it, I’m perfect” he said pretending to be self taken. Nick frowned his eyes. “Yeah right, mister holy something. Mister perfect never gets cranky when he’s hungry and there is no food around, is he” he said sarcastic. Brian gave him a surprised look “Me” he said with a squeaky voice “Nah.. I don’t know what you’re talking about” he said denying. “I think you are mistaken me for AJ. I’m always nice for everybody” and he gave him a funny face. “You know what, I’m going to give you something to drink, than you’ll shut up for a second” he grinned. “You do that, I’d like a Bacardi Coke” Brian said. “Ah, you don’t have to drive back tonight hey” Nick said. “Nope, I’ve heard Hotel Carter has great beds and awesome luxurious breakfast tomorrow morning”. “Well, we do have for Bridget, Aaron and Leighanne, but I promise you, if you continue this attitude, tomorrow morning when you are still sleeping,  I’ll poor a bucket of ice cold water all over you for breakfast” Nick laughed. “Now honey, don’t be so hard on Brian. He was really sweet to Bridget outside” Lauren said with a sweet voice. “Yeah, I was” Brian said “Besides, I thought we were best friends, you know you’re like the donkey from the movie “Shrek”. I couldn’t help but giggle. They acted like teenagers, goofing around. “Are you making fun of me, Bridget?” Nick asked me teasingly. “No” I said laughing. “Lauren, you know what, I want a Bacardi Coke too. I sure can use something strong after this theater” I said. “Okay,  Bacardi Coke’s coming up” Lauren said. She hugged Nick and kissed him. “I love you sweetie” she said. “I love you to babe” Nick answered and wrapped his arms around her. “Now, if you two don’t mind me and Lauren are going to make out now and we’d like some privacy” he said and  waved us goodbye with his hands. “Oh really, you two horndogs can’t wait until after the party hey” Brian grinned. He wrapped his arm around me and said “Come on sweetheart, let’s leave this soggy couple, so they can make out” he said with a funny face. 

We walked outside the kitchen into the living room and Aaron smiled at me “Hey gorgeous, where have you been” he asked teasingly.  I smiled. “In the kitchen” I said “Listen, I’m going to get my stuff out of my car”. “I’ll help” he said. “No, you don’t have to do that” I said. “No, really I want to” he said. “Ow come on Bridget, he wants to be your prince charming tonight, so allow him to help you” Brian said cheerful. I blushed. “If you insist” I mumbled. He gave me another dazzling smile. He followed me outside. I stopped and lighted a cigarette. “Do you have on for me too, I left mines inside?” Aaron asked. “Do you smoke?” I asked surprised. “Yeah, I do. I don’t smoke much, maybe five or six cigarettes a day but I do”.  I gave him a cigarette and, while smoking, we chit-chatted about all sorts of things. After that he walked me to my car and carried my bag inside the house, upstairs, into my guestroom. “Hey, your room is next to mine” he cheered. “Oh really? No noise making tonight okay” I said teasingly, pretending to warn him. “Well, maybe I’m going to make noise with you tonight” and he gave me a blink and a naughty look. I blushed and pretend I didn’t hear that comment. He smiled. He saw me blushing. God, why was he so attractive, I thought. I turned around to walk down the stairs. I felt his hand pinching my bum, softly. “Nice view” he said. My cheeks got a deeper shade of red. I turned my head behind and he smiled. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it” he said innocent. “Naughty boy”  I giggled. “Can you blame me?” he asked. I giggled again. We walked downstairs together and he friendly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we came into the living room. “Ah look sweetie, your little brother with Bridget. How cute” Lauren squeaked. I turned red again and Aaron said proud “At this moment, she isn’t mine yet but the night is young”. Nick laughed “hear him talking, mister Don Juan. You’re lucky if she doesn’t slap you in your face by the end of the night. Threat her with some respect will ya. She doesn’t need another moron ruining her life. So you’d better be good to her. And remember your manners, mom didn’t raise us like players” he said patronizing. “Chill out man. Easy, I was just joking” and he retrieved his arm from my shoulder. “Gee, loosen up will ya, mister Serious” Aaron said annoyed. The doorbell ranged again. Nick walked up to the door and I found myself a nice place to sit near the pool in the garden. Lauren had made me my Bacardi Coke and Leighanne followed me to the pool also. “How is Baylee doing?” I asked. “Oh he’s fine. He’s growing so fast right now. Wait, I’ll show you some pictures I made last week” Leighanne said. “Ah, he’s so cute” I said.  “I know” she sighed.

Chapter 3
“Bridget” Nick called me from the porch door. “Can you come in for a sec?” he asked. I walked up to the house and I noticed that there was a tall, bit chubby, bald guy standing at Nick’s. I went inside and Nick introduced me to him. “Bridget, I’d like to introduce you to Steve. Steve, this is Bridget, the girl Lauren and I told you about” he said. I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you” I said. “Nice to meet you to” he said. “You two can follow me to my study” Nick said. 

Nick showed us the study and left us alone. I felt a bit nervous. “Are you nervous” Steve asked. “A little” I said shy. “Don’t be, really there’s no need for that” he smiled. “Listen up, we need somebody  who is able to manage groups of BSB fans during the VIP events. It’s your responsibility to collect them at the venue before the concert. You check if their name is on a list and, depending on what VIP package they bought, you bring them in on different times into and out of the venue. In the mean time you pay attention to fans who might freak out to much.  You calm them down and, if necessary, you tell them to act a little normal or else they are removed from the event. Part of the job also is guiding people with bad eye – sight or handicaps trough the VIP event. We want all the fans to have the best experience of their lives, given the fact that they’d paid a lot of money for these VIP events  to get a glimpse of our “Big Four” he smiled. After the VIP events you get a one hour break. You can go eat with the guys and fresh up a little. After the break the doors of the venue are opened and the massive fan – crowd comes in. The boys are preparing themselves for the show and  your job, during that moment, is to make sure that the fans who are disabled, fans who are depending on  wheelchairs and those from the VIP events with bad eye sight etcetera are safely guided to the special platform created for them near the stage.  Another responsibility are the events involving the “Make a Wish foundation” and the personal foundations the guys individually started. It basically comes down to when there are meet and greets with fans  involved you are there too doing the same stuff you do with the VIP events” he said. “Wow, that’s sounds awesome” I said. “I think this is a dream job”.  “Well, Nick told me about your working experience. Did you brought your resume?”he asked. “Yep, I did” I said and took it out of my purse. I gave it to him. He looked at the piece of paper and grinned. “Hey, you worked for my brother” he smiled “Joe Cameron” he said cheerful. My eyes grew large “Are you serious?” I said surprised “Is Joe your brother? Cool. I had such a blast working for him” I said. “I was so sad that my assignment ended last summer” I said. “I’m going to give him a call right now okay” he smiled. “Oh sure please tell him I said hi” I said. “Oh well I’ll put him on speaker, then you can say hi to him yourself” he said. He dialed Joe’s number and Joe picked up. “Hey bro’, how are you my man” I heard Joe cheering to Steve. “Hey bro’, listen I have a beautiful girl here who is applying for a job as a VIP event host for BSB events. I think you know her. Bridget Wilson is her name” he said. “Really” Joe said. “Hey Bridge, how are you?” he asked. “Hi Joe, I’m fine thanks” I said. “Listen bro’, You should definitely hire her. She’s a good one. And she knows how to handle crowds and crazy fans. And more importantly you can trust her. She worked with a couple of my clients and she delivered a real good job” he said. “Okay, Joe, thank you. I’m going to call you later tonight ok” Steve said. “Ok bro’, talk to ya later” Joe said and the connection went down. “Well it’s obvious that my brother is fond of you” he smiled. “How much money would you like to get each month” he asked. “Ehm, I don’t know. What is regular” I asked. “Well Caitlin gets $ 2000,00 each months. You are 3 years younger than she is so I think $ 1700,00 is fair” he said. “Yeah, sure, that sounds good” I said surprised. I didn’t expect that amount. At Joe’s I earned less money for doing the same job.       

“Ok, well your first day is going to be upcoming Tuesday. The boys have a gig in Toronto. We’ll pick Nick and Lauren up at eight in the morning and I expect you the be there also” he said. “Tuesday I’ll have the contract ready. It’s going to be a contract for a year. But If you do a good job maybe I’ll change the contract into a steady one” he said. “Ok, thank you” I smiled. He got up and I followed his move. He gave me a hug. “Please make me proud girl” he said cheerful”. “I will” I promised.

By the time we got back in the living room Howie, Leigh and AJ and Rochelle had arrived and they were at the pool enjoying their drinks. Kevin and Kristen couldn’t make it this night. We got back in the living room. Nick looked at us curious. Steve smiled at him “Are the rest of the guys outside?” he asked. “Yes” Nick nodded. We went outside and Steve called everybody together. “Guys, and girls” he smiled. “I have an announcement to make” he said. It was silent for a couple of seconds. “We have a new crewmember. Guys and girls, meet Bridget. Our new BSB crewmember” Steve smiled. “Whooooo” the crowd cheered. “Wow that’s awesome” Nick cheered.”Time for some Champaign” he said and walked back into the house.  Everybody congratulated me. Aaron walked up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. Gosh I felt my knees getting week and my heart pounding faster. “I’m happy for you” he said with his soft voice. “Thanks” I responded shy. He held his arm around me for a while and smiled at me. 

Within an hour all the guests arrived and Lauren’s brother, who volunteered to be the DJ for the night, started to rock the place. He occasionally did this at local clubs. The party was great and everybody was enjoying the music, company, food and the liquor. I had a few drinks myself and got a little tipsy. Of course there were a couple guests who got pretty wasted. My “new found colleagues” also got to a point where driving a car wasn’t responsible anymore. Fortunately nobody had to drive that night. Brian and Leighanne stayed over, me and Aaron did also, and AJ, Rochelle, Howie and Leigh and Kevin and Kristen already arranged a cab which was available at any moment.
After two hours of non – stop dancing the DJ announced a half an hour “slow dance” for the crowd to cool down a bit. Aaron walked up to me and asked me if I’d like to join him for a dance. I did. While the music of “Something About The Way You Look Tonight” by Elton John played we danced slowly. We didn’t speak but I could see, by the look in his eyes and his gentle touch, that Aaron enjoyed it.

Something About The Way You Look Tonight – Elton John

There was a time,
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell ya,
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay

And I can´t explain,
But there´s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It´s that feeling I get about you deep inside
And I can´t describe
But there´s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight

With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart,
In all honesty
I´m speechless and I don't know where to start

And I can´t explain
But there´s something about the way you look tonight
Oh takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you deep inside
And I can´t describe
But there´s something about the way you look tonight,
Takes my breath away,
The way you look tonight.

The way you look tonight
The way you look tonight
The way you look tonight
The way you look tonight,
The way you look tonight
The way you look tonight,
The way you look tonight

I laid my head on his shoulder and we slowly danced at this wonderful song. The butterflies run through my stomach. I looked up at him and he brought his face closer to mines. Right at the very second our kiss would take place, Nick tapped Aaron on the shoulder. “Do you mind if I take over?” he asked.  Damn, I thought. Why now.

The music of Maroon 5 She Will Be Loved started playing.
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I’ve had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn’t matter anymore

It’s not always rainbows and butterflies
It’s compromise it moves us along
My heart is full and my doors always open
You come anytime you want

I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved
She will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

“Are you alright” Nick asked while dancing. “I am, thank you” I said softly. He had his arm around my back and the other held my hand. “Listen, I’m sorry if Lauren and I pushed you a little bit into Aaron’s arms. I can understand if it all is a bit too much right now” he said with a soft sweet tone in his voice. “Oh  no, please don’t worry about that. I have a great night and Aaron is so sweet to me. It’s OK” I said. “Are you sure? Because I know that Aaron sometimes gets a little carried away when it comes to women. And he can be quite overwhelming” he said worried. I smiled “Thank you Nick, for… for caring” I said. “You don’t have to do that, you know”. Nick gave me a brotherly smile. “I know, but me and Lauren love you like a sister. And besides, that’s what big brothers do. They take care of their sisters. And if I can do anything that will make you happy, I will. Even if it means a “good, long talk” with Aaron to let him bug off” he said and he gave me a blink. I smiled and give him a long big hug.

“Excuse me, but can I take over now?” Aaron tapped Nick on his shoulder. Nick looked backwards at Aaron. Aaron somehow seemed to get his hands on a red rose. “How on earth did you get that rose Aaron” Nick smiled. “Ehm, well, it doesn’t matter where I got it” he said while blushing. “If you’d attacked the rose – bush in the back of the garden, I promise I’ll kill you” Nick said pretending to be mad. “But I’ll leave the two of you now. My girlfriend wants a dance too” he smiled and walked away towards Lauren.  

She gave him a big smile and a kiss and they started dancing together. “Ah, they are such a cute couple together” I sighed. “Yes they are, we all had to get used to one another but she’s the best thing that ever happened to my brother” Aaron said while we both looked at them. We started slow-dancing again. “I really love this party, do you?” he asked me. “Yeah I do too” I smiled. He stroked my back gently. I felt so calm and at ease with him. I started to develop feelings for him. I know, I promised myself not to do that but I couldn’t help it. Of course me being tipsy didn’t help either. What the hell, I thought. It’s just for a night right.

“Ladies and gentlemen” the DJ yelled “we are playing the very last slow – dance song before we are rocking this party again and it’s going to be (the sounds of drums came along) Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. So every cowboy in here, grab your misses and dance. This is It’s Your Love”. We saw Leighanne and Brian rushing to the dance floor. Me and Aaron followed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I could smell his delicious scent. The music started. My heart melted. The touch of his hands on my body caused a tingly feeling. It made the butterflies racing my stomach.

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill – It’s your love

Dancin' in the dark
Middle of the night
Takin' your heart
And holdin' it tight

Emotional touch
Touchin' my skin
And askin' you to do
What you've been doin' all over again

-      Aaron looked at me with his dazzling smile. As we slowly danced I drowned in his eyes. His head came closer to my face. It felt like we were all alone on the dance floor.

Oh, it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know
What it is that won't let me go

It's your love
It just does somethin' to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under
It's your love

-      I looked at him and play backed these words. Aaron gave me his most beautiful and tender smile which made me completely mesmerized by his gaze. I sighed and I couldn’t hold back my feelings anymore. 

Better than I was
More than I am
And all of this happened
By takin' your hand

And who I am now
Is who I wanted to be
And now that we're together
I'm stronger than ever
I'm happy and free

-      He play backed these words sang by Tim McGraw while cupping my face with his hands and finally his soft, sweet lips touched mine. Oh God, Thank You, I said in silence to our heavenly father. My knees got weak and I kissed him back. His pressed his tongue gently in my mouth and mine met his. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this kiss. Our tongues where slowly dancing circles together.

Oh, it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in, no
And if you asked me why I changed
All I gotta do is say your sweet name

It's your love
It just does somethin' to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under
It's your love
Oh, baby

-      We completely forgot everything and everybody around us. I didn’t knew love could be like this. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body against his. I wanted to be one with him. Our lips and tongues were still connected and this was honestly the best, and I mean the really best, kiss ever.

Oh, it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know
What it is that won't let me go

It's your love
It just does somethin' to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under
It's your love
It's your love
It's your love

As the music slowly died in the background me and Aaron awoke of a breathtaking kiss in the middle of the dance floor. I opened my eyes and his eyes pierced into mines. I sighed and a real big smile came on my face. Aaron smiled back at me and kissed me on my lips. “It looks like there are some lovebirds on the dance floor who have found each other during this song” the DJ joked around. My cheeks got red and I glanced briefly around the dance floor. I saw Leighanne and Brian, Lauren, Nick, Howie, Leigh and lots of other people looking at us, smiling. “Shall we get something to drink” I mumbled to Aaron. Aaron had a proud grin on his face. “Sure honey, come on let’s go” he laid his hands on my hips and gave me a kiss in my neck while we got of the dance – floor.

Update 4-4-2012

We went inside the house and got into the kitchen. “I have an idea” Aaron said “wait here okay”. I nodded yes but I wasn’t sure what to expect. I heard him jumping up the stairs and after a couple of minutes he came back into the kitchen with a smirk on his face. “You can come with me now, but you have to close your eyes until I say you can open them” he said. So I did. I closed my eyes and let him guide me upstairs.


I walked behind her and gentle guided her upstairs to the guestroom, where I was sleeping. "Keep your eyes closed okay?" I whispered in her right ear while my hands, softly placed on her hips, softly pushed her forward. I could smell the scent of her shampoo. It smelled like passion fruit. I gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. She giggled "you're making me a little nervous". "Don't worry, I'll promise it will be good" I said softly. "Aaron oh Aaron, what are you going to do?" she singed. I laughed "you think you're funny, hey" and I tickled her. "Oh Aaron, stop that's not fair" she laughed. "For now I'll stop, but next time..." I teased. We reached the guestroom and I opened the door. I made her stop in the door way "You can open your eyes now, beautiful". She opened her eyes, blinked and looked around. "Ah, Aaron that's sweet" she squeaked.  She looked across the room and gave me a surprised smile. I'd lighted up some candles, smuggled a plate of tapas’, a bottle of Champaign and two Champaign glasses from the kitchen, upstairs. In the background the cd-player softly played lounge music. "Wow" she said "all of this without being noticed by the rest of the people at the party" she cheered "How did you manage to do that?" I grinned "well, lets just say that... In my family you have to be a master in disguise and secrecy to be unnoticed. And I definitely became a master, the last couple of years". We sat down next to each other on the 2-persons box spring bed and I poured the Champaign in both our glasses. We both raised our glass and cheered "to a wonderful evening" she said with a blush on her cheeks. "To you and me, tonight" I said softly, while looking deeply in her eyes, and she gave me a shy smile. "So tell me, do you feel excited about your new job?" I asked. I picked up my glass and took a sip. "Yeah, actually I am. I have been without one for a while now and I'm really looking forward on working again. I got a little bored lately" she smiled. For a moment I was mesmerized by her smile, but I quickly got myself together. "And what about you? You like being in the Fantasticks?" she picked up her Champaign and took a sip. "Yeah, definitely. It's one of the coolest things I'd ever done. I love doing theater" I smiled "when I am playing I'm Aaron the actor. I'm part of a crew instead of a solo artist and not AARON CARTER the entertainer, brother of BSB Nick etcetera. I can put all my energy, ideas and creativity in it and I learn so much, everyday. It's awesome". "Wow" she sighed "I can see the excitement in your eyes when you talk about it. That's special. I absolutely love it when people are so passionate about what they do in life. That's so awesome. I wished I had something like that in my own life" she smiled. "Well, maybe you just haven't found your purpose in life" I answered. “Maybe” she replied “well maybe I’ll find my passion in my new job. I’m pretty excited about it” she said. It was silent for a couple of seconds. “And about your music career? Have you been working on new songs lately? She asked. I saw her glass was empty. Mine was almost empty too and, after I took a big sip, I got up from the bed and walked to the table in the corner of the room. “Well I have been working on some new songs but it’s not completely finished yet. But I’m also planning on releasing a new song, soon” I said. I took the bottle and brought it with me to the bed. “Can I refill?” “Sure” she smiled. I felt I got a little wasted but what the hell. She wasn’t sober herself also. I’m sure that if you went outside into the garden a lot of other people where drunk too.  Anyway is there a better way than to empty a fine bottle of Champaign with such a sweetie like Bridget, who looked hot as hell? Not for me. So I refilled our glasses and sat down on the bed, a little bit closer to her then I’d first had been. I took another sip. I suddenly gave her a kiss on the lips. She blushed. “I’m sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?” I asked. The shy look in her eyes made me feel a little insecure. “Oh no, it’s just that it’s been a while since I was with a guy. The last time was … Never mind, I don’t want to talk about that but believe me I really don’t mind” she said. I wondered what had happened to her. She looked so sad when she came inside the house again, after she and Brian went into the garden. I knew it was better not to push anything. I had issues myself on which I wasn’t eager to talk about. And I hated it when people tried to push me into talking. It was something  that happened quite often within our family and that was one of the reasons why we argued a lot. I bet most of you readers watched  “House of Carters” so you can imagine us fighting. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to honey” I spoke softly. I slowly stroked her face with the tip of my fingers. Her soft skin under my fingers felt like… heaven. I felt butterflies and I definitely began to feel for her. With her beautiful eyes she looked into mines. I slowly bended over towards her and with one hand I cupped the left side of her face. I moved my face closer to hers and really softly my lips touched hers. She kissed me back and  wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped mines around her and pulled her close to me. My tongue softly slid inside her mouth and met hers. The touch of her sweet lips and made me forget everything around me. While kissing her I heard a soft moan coming from her mouth. I couldn’t help but smile. I changed the romantic kiss into a passionate one. And wow, did she answer that one.  I felt that something rose down there.” Slow down, buddy” I said to myself in silence. I ended the kiss because I felt I couldn’t hold myself back if the kiss went further. It took a couple of seconds before she opened her eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled. “Wow Aaron. That was mind blowing” she said softly. I felt my cheeks getting red. It didn’t happen very often that I blushed but she made it happen. I got up from the bed and I was at the point that walking a straight line wasn’t 100% possible for me anymore. I got my guitar from the other side of the room and walked back to Bridget. “Are you going to play something for me?” She smiled.  I sat down “Yes, I am. I hope you like it” I spoke softly. I started playing the guitar and sang for her “I’m looking for a girlfriend”.

 Update 5-4-2012
After I finished the song I looked at her. "And? Do you like it?" I asked. She gave me big smile and she placed her hand on my right leg "I absolutely love it. Well done sweetie" she said. "Thanks. I'm always a bit insecure to show new stuff". "Don't be. Really, there's no need to feel insecure. I love this song" she smiled. I gave her a little kiss on her lips. Just as I was about to kiss her some more there was a soft knock on the door. The door opened a little and Nick slowly peeked through the gap. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nick spying on us. “Uhum” I coughed. “You might as well come in now” I said pretending to be a little annoyed. Nick blushed. “I’m sorry to interrupt but Lauren wanted to make sure you guys were ok” he said shy. “Oh, give it up bro’. You just wanted to know where we where and what we were doing”. Nick’s cheeks colored a little deeper shade of red. He stared at the floor “Is it that obvious?”. Me and Bridget chuckled. “Uhm, yeah Nick. You might as well walk around with a bill board screaming ‘What are you kids doing’?” Bridget laughed. “But in case you forgot, we are adults. Perfectly capable of making our own responsible choices, you know ” she smiled. “I’m sorry” he said shy. Bridget got up from the bed. She swayed a little and giggled, being tipsy. She walked up to Nick and hugged him. “I love you, especially when you are being so overprotective” she smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek. They kept  on standing there with their arms wrapped around each other. Nick looked deeply in her eyes. “Thanks, sweetie. I love you” he said “You remind me of Leslie, in a way” he continued hoarse. I could see him getting emotional. Perhaps it was the booze that made him so emotional. Or maybe the fact that this was Nick’s first birthday party after Leslie died, last year. It didn’t matter what the cause was. I felt I had to show him some brotherly love. I walked up to them and joined the group hug. I kissed his fore head. “I miss her too” I whispered and I felt a lump in my throat, almost causing me to cry. A tear rolled down Nick’s cheek. “I’m sorry for ruining your fun, guys” he said hoarse. “Oh no, sweetie. You’re not going to apologize for that” Bridget said. And suddenly my tears broke down. I couldn’t held back any longer. Of course I missed Leslie. I knew exactly what Nick felt. There wasn’t a day that she wasn’t in my mind. Tears rolled over my cheeks. That last time I’ve seen her we argued about stupid things. I can’t even remember what it was we were arguing about.  I walked out on her that day, thinking that we would talk it through and make it up later. But there was no later. The next day I got that devastating call. Bridget held me with one arm and with the other one she caressed Nick’s back. Because of my outburst Nick also burst into tears. After a little while I got my act together again. I rubbed my eyes and stretched out. “Are you okay Nick?” I asked softly. “Yeah, I am. Thank you guys. Really. It’s been bothering me all day” he spoke softly. “Ah, sweetie” Bridget said and hugged him again. “Come on, let’s go downstairs okay!” I smiled, trying to cheer him up “ Let’s get in a party mood again”. “Yeah, that’s a good idea bro’” Nick gave a little smile. “A secret source told me that there’s a karaoke contest within the next half hour” he smirked and a big smile came back on his face. He turned to Bridget “And I really would like to hear you sing” he smiled. “Oh, God no. Please Nick, don’t make me do that.” she said down. “If you love me, you’ll do that for me” he teased.  She slapped him on on his arm. “That’s blackmail” she cried out. “Hmmm, call it whatever you want sweetie but” and he pouted “You do want me to feel better, right? “Oh” she growled “I hate you” and she gave him an angry look. “I’ll help you, okay” I smirked. “Oh, yes you are” she said.  The three of us walked down the stairs and went back into the garden. It was a nice evening. The temperature was just perfect. Lauren, Howie and AJ where looking into some songbooks to see which songs they wanted to do. Leighanne joined them and I could see them having lots of fun already, just by picking the song.      

Bridget:  Karaoke
The DJ cheered through speakers “Party people in tha house. Yooooohooooo. It seems like we have our first victims of the night. Everybody let’s give it up for ABBAaaaah”. The whole yard cheered and screamed loud. It sounded like a typical BSB concert. We quickly walked up to the dance section, where it was already very crowded. To make the Karaoke more fun there was a box full of different kinds of wigs. The roll of drums announced that the show was about to start. AJ, Howie, Lauren and Leighanne, all wearing a different kind of wig, walked up to the microphones and took their places. Suddenly the music of ABBA’s Take A Chance On Me started playing. The four of them started dancing on the rhythm of the music.
Abba - Take a chance on me

(all four)
If you change your mind ('take a chance' chanted (AJ and Howie) )
I'm the first in line
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me
Let me know
Gonna be AROUND
If you got no place to go
When you're feeling down

Brian rushed towards me and Nick and embraced us as we danced. We play backed this and did some overly dramatic moves. We danced in seventies style.
(Leighanne and Lauren)
If you're all alone
When the pretty birds have FLOWN
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best
And it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test
If you let me try

I lip-synched the words looking at Brian.

Take a chance on me
(That's all I ask of you, honey (Leighanne))
Take a chance on me

We can go dancing (Leighanne)
We can go walking (Leighanne)
AS LONG AS WE'RE together (Lauren)
Listen to some music (Lauren)
Maybe just talking (Lauren)
Get to know you better (Lauren)

Brian and Nick both lip – synched the words to me being all goofy. Aaron joined the mix by lip – synching the next line;

'Cuz you know I've got (Leighanne)
So much that I wanna do (Leighanne)
When I dream I'm alone with you (Leighanne)
It's MAGIC (Lauren and Leighanne)
You want ME to leave IT there (Lauren)
Afraid of a love AFFAIR (Lauren)
BUT I think you know (both)
That I can't let go (both)

We danced, goofed around and sing along.
(all four)
If you change your mind
I'm the first in line
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me
Let me know
And I'll be around
If you've got no place to go
When you're feeling down

We all lip – synched to each other and went banana’s (keep in mind we all had a little too much to drink, lol)
(all four)
If you're all alone
When the pretty birds have FLOWN
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gotta do my very best
And it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test,
If you let me try

Take a chance on me
(Come on, gimme a break, will ya?)
Take a chance on me

Aaron placed his hands on my lips and we did a sexy dance. Nick looked quasi shocked and gave us funny faces. He then turned around to Lauren and gave her an air kiss, which she caught perfectly. She had to fight hard not to burst into laughter.
Oh you can take your time, baby
I'm in no hurry
You know I'm gonna getcha (Getcha)
You don't wanna hurt me
Baby don't worry
I AIN'T GONNA LET YA (all four)

Leighanne could easily be Agnetha, the way she danced she imitated her perfectly.
Let me tell you now
My love is strong enough
To last when things are rough
You say that I waste my time
But I can't get you off my mind
Oh I can't let go (both)
'Cuz I love you so (both)

By this time AJ, Howie and Lauren and Leighanne all danced ABBA like behind their microphones.
(all four)
If you change your mind
I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me
Let me know
And I'll be AROUND
If you got no place to go
When you're feeling down

(all four)
If you're all alone
When the pretty birds have FLOWN
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best
Baby can't you see
Gotta put me to the test
Take a chance on me
(Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me)

(all four)
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gotta do my very best
Baby can’t you see
Gotta put me to the test
Take a chance on me

Me, Brian, Aaron and Nick jumped, arm in arm, on the rhythm of the music. I laughed. Oh my God, the fans really should see this side of my guys. I bet they would go nuts, haha.

(Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me (Lauren))

Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba
[Fading]Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best
Baby can't you see.. 

The crowd, including us of course, cheered and clapped for them. I don’t think ABBA would’ve done a better job. As soon as the music stopped a couple of others did a song. Me and Aaron rushed through the tables with the songbooks and quickly started looking for a good song. As we flipped through the pages we found a really good song. Aaron looked at me and hesitated. “Are you sure you can pull it off?” he asked. “Of course” I said “trust me”. We filled in our form and within five minutes we were called to start Karaoke Adventure. We took our places on the dance floor. I chuckled. Aaron didn’t knew this but I have been singing all my life. Only, I never let anyone listen to my singing. Except for tonight. The music started playing. Lauren, Leighanne and the rest of our beloved group cheered for us ‘’Wooohooooooo”. 


Everythings gonna be alright tonight (Me)
Everythings gonna be alright tonight
No one moves, no one grooves
No one talks, no one walks tonight

I heard people cheering and screaming because I was able to reach Tina’s high notes, easily. I swayed  my arms and the crowd copied this.

Everyone will be alright tonight (Aaron)
Everyone will be alright tonight
No one moves, no one talks
No one thinks, no one walks tonight

(Aaron and me, singing and dancing arm in arm)
I will love you till I reach the end
I will love you till I reach the end
I will love you till I die (still dancing and looking at each other)
I will see you in the sky
Tonight, tonight

During the instrumental part me and Aaron did a sensual slow dance together. The people went nuts.
(both singing looking each other in the eyes while holding each other)
Everyone will be alright tonight
Everyone will be alright tonight
No one moves, no one talks
No one thinks, no one walks tonight

 The music slowly died and I nearly went deaf of the noise we got from the crowd. This felt so awesome. Aaron give me a big tight hug and kissed me full on my mouth. “Wow, sweetie. That was amazing. You and I should record a song together” he cheered and looked at me with his beautiful eyes. I got shy. It felt weird that people where enthusiastic about my singing. “Wow girl, you rocked the stage out there” Brian cheered. “Really, that was amazing Bridget” AJ yelled over the loud music “It’s a shame not to use that voice of yours” he said. Lauren gave me a hug “That was great sweetie” she said. I blushed big time. Aaron stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me. We danced to Country Road from John Denver. After a couple of songs it was Nick and Brian’s turn to rock the stage.  They got up with wigs and I already had an idea of which song they’d where about to do. The music of Just Want You To Know started playing. They rocked it. On the half of the song AJ, Howie and Kevin stepped in also (also wearing wigs) and we got a live remake of their video. Lauren, Leighanne, Kristen, Rochelle, Aaron and I had a blast. These guys where amazing. 

Update 7-4-2012

While watching the Karaoke contestants, I unexpectedly felt two warm hands sensually caressing my butt. I definitely got turned on by it. “Come with me” Aaron whispered in my ear and slowly kissed the back of my neck. I turned towards him “to do what?” I asked and gave him a seductive look. He grinned “are you seducing me?”. “Is it working?”I asked seductive and licked my lips. By the look he gave me I knew it was working. His hand grabbed mine and he softly pulled me so that I’d followed him. I giggled and felt the butterflies racing through my stomach. Was I ready for what was about to happen? Perhaps it was time to let love back into my life again. We walked inside the empty house. Me being alone with him turned me on even more. In the living room Aaron turned around towards me and wrapped his arms around me. His lascivious look made me crazy. I couldn’t control myself any longer. I gave him a sensual kiss and he answered back with the same intensity. He guided me backwards to the couch and he laid me down. He gently got on top of me and kissed me erotically and a soft moan escaped from my mouth. I craved to feel him inside me. His hands slid under my t-shirt and a second or two later under my bra. I moaned again, while we continued our mind-blowing kiss. His warm hands slowly caressed my breasts and nipples. God, my nipples were so sensitive by his touch. He stopped kissing for a second and looked at me with glazed, horny, eyes. I probably returned that look because I never had been that turned on before in my life. I softly bit my under lip and stared at him. I went through his blond hair with my hands. “I want you” I sighted.
Suddenly we heard footsteps coming closer. We quickly sat up straight and tried to look as descent as possible and made an attempt to improvise a conversation. AJ stepped inside and saw us sitting, on the couch, in the dark. He chuckled “Hey you two, the party is outside”. “Yeah, we know. We wanted to rest a little” Aaron answered. “Ah, is that how they call it, nowadays” AJ grinned. I was so happy that there was no light. My face turned as red as a tomato at that point. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” Aaron mumbled. “Nah, I don’t know either” AJ pretended to agree. He grabbed his box of cigarettes from the table. “Make sure you’re doing it safe, okay?” AJ said and walked outside. “Pooh, that was close” Aaron sighted after AJ was out of sight. 

We were alone again. I kissed him and the butterflies raced through my stomach. Aaron got up from the couch, took my hand and helped me to stand up. I was half drunk and couldn’t walk straight anymore. Aaron laughed “you’re so sweet when you’re drunk”. I giggled. He guided me to the hall way with his hands on my hips, kissing my neck. He closed the door of the living room behind me and he positioned me against the wall. He stood close beside me, with his body against mine. “I want you so bad” he whispered. His lips touched mines and his hands caressed my upper body, over my t-shirt. I felt my knees getting week. His tongue slid inside my mouth and a very intense kiss followed. I could feel his manhood rise against my legs. He groaned softly. I worked my hands down to his hips and lowered even more to softly caress his manhood. His manhood grew even bigger. “God, you’re so…” he sighed “I want you, NOW”. He picked me up with his strong arms and walked up the stairs. He carried me over the corridor, into his guestroom and softly laid me down on his bed. I felt safe with him. He positioned himself on top of me. “Are you sure?” he spoke softly. “Yes” I answered. He removed my clothes and there I was, with only my underwear on.                  

He took off his shirt and I saw his breathtaking six – pack. I gave him a naughty smile. He unbuttoned his jeans and only left his boxers on. He repositioned himself on top of me again and caressed my breasts and stomach with his fingertips. His hands slid back to my breasts, under my bra, and gently massaged my nipples. He bend over to me and kissed me again. Having his warm, almost naked, body on top of mines made me so turned on. My hands were caressing his back while our tongues danced together. He pushed his hands under my back and got me out of my bra. He brought his mouth to my breasts and he slowly kissed and licked them. I softly groaned while my hands ran through his hair. He then followed his way down, with his tongue, to my hips. He licked the inside of my thighs, teasingly avoiding my love spot. “Oh Aaron, this is torture” I sighed. He grinned “I know” and continued. With his hand he slowly caressed the upper side of my panties. He looked to see my reaction. I moaned “Aaron please”. He then grabbed my hipster with his teeth and helped me out of them. He came back on top of me and without hesitance made his way inside me. That sensation.. wow. We both groaned at that point. He began to trust me firm and immediately had the right rhythm going. I knew that it wouldn’t take long for me to reach my edge. He speeded up the rhythm and the trusts became more firm. I had no control over myself anymore. I couldn’t help moaning out loud. I heard him moaning too. He trusted me harder and harder and I couldn’t take it any longer. An ecstatic orgasm went through my body and mind. Oh, God, this was so good. Aaron trusted me harder and harder and my orgasm became even more intense. I knew Aaron had felt it too because he gasped “You liked that, didn’t you?”. I nodded, not able to speak at that point. He slowly got out of me. I moaned while he left my shaft. I had my eyes closed and took a deep breaths. He then, unexpectedly, came back inside me. “Oh f*ck” I groaned. With the tip of his tool he slowly went inside a little. He withdrew himself and repeated that ritual five or six times. He made me crazy. My love spot was already sensitive from the lovemaking  before so it didn’t need much to fire up again. He then trusted firm inside me, again. I groaned out loud. He licked the tip of fingers and placed them on my clit. He rubbed it while trusting me firm. I couldn’t be silence anymore. I cried out. This was pure pleasure. “Oh, Oh, Aaron. Yesssss”. He trusted me harder and harder and until he reached his edge. He trusted me with all the power he had left and groaned loud. I pushed my nails in his back and we both went over that edge at the same moment. After another couple of trusts Aaron stopped and stayed on top me, for a while. I could feel his fast heartbeat. He gasped and tried to get his breath back. I needed a moment too. “Wow” he whispered. “Yes, this was definitely a big wow” I whispered back. He got up a little and looked me deeply in the eye. “Your special, you know that?” he said softly. I smiled “I hope you haven’t based your opinion only to sex, right?. “No, no, of course not. I don’t care about sex. It’s nice, in fact with you sex is amazing. The best I ever had. But I meant that you are special to me. I can’t help it but I really have feelings for you” he spoke softly. “I know” I whispered. “I feel the same way. But it’s scary for me, you understand?”. We were both silent for a moment. “It’s been a while since I have been involved with a guy. And…” Aaron pressed his lips on mine. He then stopped and smiled at me. “I promise we’ll take it slow. One step at the time. Let’s give this a chance okay?” he whispered. I smiled back and kissed him “One step at a time”. After a couple of minutes of resting and cuddling we got up. Aaron switched on the nightlight, that was on the night table, next to the bed. The nightlight gave a dimmed light. We quickly got ourselves some clothes on. I wore an oversize T-shirt from Aaron and my hipster underneath. He looked at me with a proud smile “That shirt looks way better on you, then it does on me”. “Thanks baby, maybe I’ll confiscate it and add it to my own wardrobe”. I grinned. He only got his boxers and jeans back on. We opened the bedroom door and rushed into the bathroom at the end of the corridor. We refreshed ourselves in front of the bathroom mirror. Aaron looked at my reflection and smiled. I smiled back to his reflection. He carefully placed his arm around my shoulder. “Look at us. Aren’t we a cute couple?” he smiled. “Yes, we are” I smiled and kissed him on his cheek. “Shall I get your toothbrush ready?” Aaron asked. “Ah, that’s sweet. But only if you don’t mind” I squeaked. “Of course I don’t mind. I’d love too. Anything for my girl” he smiled “I like that sound, you being my girl” he said. I felt all warm inside “I like that sound coming out of your mouth” I spoke softly. He pulled me close and gave me a little kisses. “Where is your toothbrush?” he asked. “Oh, I guess it’s still in my guestroom. I didn’t unpack my bag yet”. “Wait here, okay. I’ll get it for you”. He kissed me again and walked out to my room. After a minute or so I heard Brian’s voice “Hey here you are. Nick was looking for you”. “Do you know why?” I heard Aaron asking Brian. Brian started to giggle. He couldn’t stop giggling and didn’t answer his question. Brian was completely wasted and acted even more goofy then when he usually did when he was sober. He did his drunk interpretation of Cookie Monster singing the National Anthem. I giggled and opened the bathroom door a little to see what was going on. Aaron grinned at me and blinked. He helped Brian, who was still giggling and talking nonsense, up to his feet and brought him to his room. Of course, Aaron and I weren’t that wasted, but we were still very tipsy. After he escorted Brian to his room he sneaked up to my room and brought my bag with him into the bathroom. I got my toiletry bag and he prepared my toothbrush. For some reason it felt familiar, I liked it. We brushed our teeth while standing there arm in arm. After that I got my sexy, black silk, PJ’s on. We walked back into the corridor. Aaron grabbed my hands and pulled me into his bedroom. “Stay with me, tonight” he spoke softly. His puppy eyes where irresistible. I was mesmerized. He pulled me close and softly removed a hair string from my face. He kissed me and then pulled me to his bed. We laid down and got the blanket on top of us. He looked at me tenderly and softly caressed my hair. He gave me a little kiss on my nose. We didn’t say anything. We only smiled to each other. I felt my eyes where falling down. “Ah, princess is a little tired, isn’t she?” Aaron smiled. I nodded. I turned around and closed my eyes. Aaron switched of the night light and he came lying against me with his warm stomach against my back. It felt so good. He carefully wrapped his arm around me. I felt really calm and safe with him by my side and slowly fell asleep.       

In the middle of the night I woke up and felt thirsty. I softly slipped out of bed, as quiet as  possible, and went to the bathroom to get some water. As I got back into the bedroom I slipped into bed again. I couldn’t sleep right away and watched Bridget as she was sleeping on the other side of the bed. She looked so adorable. She was all curled up and snored softly. That was so sweet. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. I softly placed a kiss on her forehead, careful not to wake her, and she moaned a little but didn’t awoke. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep within seconds. 

The next morning I awoke by the sounds of the voices of Brian and Leighanne in the hallway. Bridget woke up by that sound also and stretched herself out. I bended over and kissed her. “Good morning gorgeous. “Well, good morning to you too” she smiled. She had a bed head and still looked tired. She yawned. “Oh my, I have a killer hangover” she sighed. I grinned “Yeah, me too. Come on, let’s get dressed okay? I hope breakfast is ready”. At that moment there was a soft knock on the door. Bridget pulled the blanket over her head and moaned softly. I walked up to the door, with only my boxer on, and opened it. “Hi sweetie, is Bridget with you?” Lauren stood in front of my door with her pajama and smiled. “Yeah she is” I blushed. “How did you know?” “Well her bed hasn’t been slept on. And I figured one and one is two…” She giggled a bit. “But the reason to disturb you two is because breakfast is ready. So get up and come downstairs.” “Yeah sure, give us a minute okay” I sighed. Lauren blinked and walked towards the stairs. I closed the door behind me. We quickly put some clothes on and went downstairs.
We walked into the living room and Brian and Leighanne smirked. “Did the two of you sleep well?” Brian asked. I felt that I was blushing. “As a matter of fact, we did” Bridget answered and smiled. She grabbed my hand and squeezed in it. I looked at her and she gave me an “everything is fine” look. “And how about yourself? I’ve heard you sing in the hallway, last night” She grinned.  Brian now had a deep shade of red himself. Leighanne chuckled and looked at her plate feeling embarrassed. I grinned and sat down at the table. Lauren and Nick walked inside with fresh baked croissants and boiled eggs. The table was set with fresh orange juice, coffee, milk, butter, marmalade, cheese, brownies, pancakes, fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon etcetera. “Wow, I’m hungry guys” I said. “Yeah, me too” Brian said. Nick and Lauren both sat down too. After the “thank you” prayer we ate breakfast and talked about everything that happened at the party, yesterday. Well, not exactly everything haha, but the stuff we didn’t mind them to know. 

“Who wants some coffee” Nick asked with his hair all messed up. “I do” Bridget replied immediately. “Rough night hey” Nick grinned. She laughed “You would like to know the details hey! …. Grown up stuff, Nick. Can’t tell you, sorry” she said dirty. I gave her a kiss and a blink. 

“Do we have plans for the afternoon?” Leighanne asked. “No, not exactly. Do you?” I asked. “Well, there’s a new spa in the neighborhood. And Brian and I want to check it out. I don’t know if anybody wants to join us?”. I looked at Bridget “it seems like a great plan to me, I don’t know about you?” I asked her. “Ehhm, yeah sure. I’d love too. But I have to stop by my house first to get my bikini” she smiled. “Great, it will be fun” Leighanne smiled. “How about the two of you?” she asked Nick and Lauren. “Sure, we’d love to” Lauren smiled “there’s no better way than that to recover from a birthday bash” she smiled. Nick wrapped his arm around her and kissed her lips. “Can’t wait to see you in your bikini, honey” he smiled. “You horn dog” she said quasi annoyed and gave him a slap on his arm. Everybody laughed at that point. 

After breakfast we all helped to clean up the house and one by one we went upstairs to get showered and dressed.

Bridget took off to her house to pick up her swimwear. I told her that I’d pick her up in about an hour to go to the spa. I really was impressed with her. What an amazing woman she is. She sure does know how to make me feel like a teenager again. I chuckled. I really was looking forward to spending the day with her. Especially in a spa. 

I arrived at my house and went inside. I checked the mail that was waiting for me at my doormat and noticed there was a handwritten letter. Hmm, strange. I opened the envelope and with disbelieve I read what was inside.

                                                        Dear Bridget, 

You might wonder why I’m writing you this letter. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately and I deeply regret the things that I’ve done to you. 

I know it is a bit late for apologies and I understand if you don’t want to accept them but I have to get this of my chest. I love you Bridget. I never stopped loving you. 

I can’t sleep at night because the memory of what I’ve done to you keeps haunting me. Please give me a chance to make it up to you. 

Please, give me a chance to explain what happened. I’m so sorry.


Oh my God. “Screw You” I yelled inside my empty house. I felt anger coming up. What a loser hey. First he cheated on me, left me when I had my miscarriage, ignored me afterwards and now he regrets what he’s done and he thinks that this stupid letter will make everything right. “F*ck you” I mumbled. I stuffed the letter into the drawer from my white oak desk. I shook of this bizarre situation and got my stuff.   

update 01-06-2012 

Aaron called me on my cell to let me know he had arrived.  I quickly got my bag and walked towards the car. He gave me his beautiful smile. He stepped out and walked to the passenger’s side of the vehicle and opened the car door. “Hi sweetie” he smiled and kissed me. “Hi honey, are you ready for a day at the Spa” I grinned. “Yesss, I am” he grinned. 

Within forty five minutes we arrived at the spa. When we paid and got inside we walked hand in hand to the dressing rooms. We agreed that we all would meet each other in the Spa’s cafeteria. Aaron looked at me with a naughty glaze “Do you want your own private dressing room or would you like to share one with me”. “Ehm” I stuttered “Perhaps it’s more practical if we shared one” I blushed. A big smile followed by a dirty grin appeared on Aaron’s face “Oh yes, I totally agree with you babe. Much more practical”. I slapped him on his arm “You have such a dirty mind, my God” I chuckled. “Me?” he played innocent. “Yes you” I said quasi annoyed. I turned around to open the door of the dressing room when I felt Aaron’s hands on my ass “You are so hot, I swear I’m gonna rip your clothes of as soon as that door closes” he whispered in my ear. I giggled “Sweetie, this is a public place” I whispered. “Who cares, the door is closed right? We have all the privacy we want”. “Take a good look at this dressing room sweetie. It’s open from the top an people can see our feet. They can even hear us loud and clear. What if they…” Aaron pressed his lips on mines and kissed me intensely. It made me drop the bag and forget everything around me. His hands where everywhere and his body was close to mine. We made out until we heard Brian and Leighanne followed by Nick and Lauren. As bizarre as that situation was, it become even more weird when Brian and Leighanne chose to pick the room right next to us and Nick and Lauren exactly on the other side. Aaron hushed me and held his index finger against his mouth to stay silent. Without a word we knew we had one mutual goal that was to get out of this dressing room unnoticed. We wanted to avoid the teasing comments and the surprised faces. 

As we tried to stay as silent as possible we heard Nick talking loud to Brian “Hey Bri, did you bring shampoo? I must have forgot mines”. “Ooooh, definitely you again. Yes, I brought it. You did brought your swimming trunks right? I don’t have a spare one” Brian grinned. “Ah don’t tease him husband” Leighanne laughed. “Thank you Leighanne” Nick’s voice answered. Lauren laughed “Oh my God, this is the way it’s gonna be all day. Such mature guys don’t you think Leigh”. “Yes, definitely mature, AHUM” Leighanne laughed. Both Aaron and I had our swimming clothes on and we managed to open the door without being noticed. We sneakily tiptoed to the lockers and both took a deep breath and giggled. “That was close” he smiled. We stored our stuff in the locker and chose two bathrobes with matching slippers to wear. I had a red one and Aaron chose a black one. We walked to the cafeteria and waited for the others to show up. As Aaron took place on the other side of the table he took the menu card. “I want a cappuccino, how about you?”. “Me too, and a fresh orange juice” I answered. He smiled “anything for my princess”. He stood up and walked to the counter. Within minutes he was back with our refreshments and sat down in front of me. He looked me in the eyes and his hands rested on mines “I am so happy you’re here with me. It’s like I’ve known you for years” he said softly. “Me too” I answered softly. 

“Aaaw, look at those lovebirds. How sweet is that” Lauren cheered as they approached our table. She smiled at me and gave me blink. Aaron retrieved his hands from mines and blushed. Brian sat down next to him and slapped him on his back “It’s annoying I know” he smiled. The other four got their beverages too and they talked and goofed around. After a while Nick suggested to go into the spa. Everybody agreed and we went inside the relaxation area.


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