zaterdag 30 november 2013

Update 30-11-2013 Brian - Nicky fanfic

Update 30-11-2013 Brian - Nicky fanfic

Nicky sat down at the table with Kevin. “So you guys made he up?” Kevin asked curious. Nicky blushed “Yeah, I guess you can say that”. Kevin smiled “good to hear that”. “Thanks. So what are you guys doing to do today?” Kevin shrugged “we’re going to next location and this afternoon we have to show up in a radio show and right after that we have to do a foto shoot and a interview for a magazine. Oh and tonight we’ll be in a tv show” he took a bite from his croissant. “Wow, talking about a tight schedule” Nicky said. Kevin nodded while chewing.

She looked up behind her and saw Brian and Nick coming back with a tray of cups. When they entered the table he put the tray on the table so everyone could pick their own cup. “In case the Backstreetboys quit one day you always have a chance to get a career as a waiter” Nicky joked. Nick and Kevin laughed. Brian pretended to be insulted “Whoa, stop it young lady. Show a little respect  hey”. “Haha, just kidding” she giggled. He placed his arm around her shoulder “you are so going to punished for that tonight” he whispered in her ear. Nicky cheeks turned red while  Brian gave her an evil grin. OMG what did she get herself into?

Jen came up to the table to make sure the boys would leave in time. Later Nicky and the others would follow them to the next hotel. Brian said he’d call her later today if he could and they took off. About an hour later she and crew left too and after travelling to the new hotel and getting checked in Nicky had the rest of the day off. She made a quick call to her mom and heard that her has been stable through the night. He still had the fever but it fortunately didn’t get any worse.

After she unpacked she went for lunch with Kylie. They took a cab to the city centre and ended up in  a lunchroom. They ordered and enjoyed a nice cappuccino as they waited for their food.

“So tell me, what’s going on between you and Brian?” Kylie asked  she took a sip from her coffee. Nicky told her what happened at the pool the other day, told about Jason, she also talked about her brother, the things that happened yesterday and this morning.  When she was done filling her in they had finished their food and Kylie couldn’t believe what she’d heard. “Wow Nick, but about Jason how do you feel about this all?”. Nicky shrugged “I don’t know. It’s weird. A couple of months ago it was all I’d ever wanted but now everything’s changed you know. I finally had peace that me and Jason would never, you know, would date and all $and now this” Nicky sighed ”I don’t know what to think of it honestly”. Kylie took her wallet and paid the bill “Maybe you shouldn’t  worry so much about. Just let it happen. It’s all been a little too much action the last couple of days. Just relaxed a little”. “Maybe you’re right” she sighed and took her bag. They went back to the hotel.

Kylie had booked herself a spa treatment earlier and  Nicky spend the afternoon reading a book and listening to some music. So every once in a while she looked at her cell to see if she had a message or maybe even missed a call but nothing came in.

Just when Nicky wanted to take a shower before dinner she heard a soft knock. She opened the door and was surprised to find Jason behind it. “Hi” she smiled surprised. “Hi” Jason returned the smile. “You want to come in?” Nicky asked. “Sure” he stepped in her room. He carried a grocery bag and sat down on the couch. He took out two cans of coke and bag of potato chips.

“So you talked to your mom yesterday, tell me, how’s your brother doing?” he asked while he ate some chips. Nicky told him all and took a hand of chips out of the bag. “Ok, so he’s stable now” he asked. “Yes” she nodded while she chewed. “I’m glad for you Nick. I know he isn’t there yet but still” he looked at her with his beautiful brown eyes and for a moment she was caught by his stare. It made her feel confused not to mention guilty especially since she had made up with Brian this morning. Besides they were only friends and it bothered her that she all of a sudden felt like this again. She forced herself to ignore her feelings at that point and continued the conversation. “I’m glad it’s just the infection and not something else” Nicky sighed. “Same here” he took a sip from his coke.

For a moment there was this awkward silence between them. Jason finally took a deep breath “And do you” he paused for a second “want to tell me what’s happening between you and Brian?”. Nicky’s heart skipped a beat and redness crawled up from her neck “eh…” she didn’t knew exactly what to tell him “what do you want to know?” she asked hoarse. Jason played with his can and looked up at her “everything” he answered. All she could do was tell him. They’d been friends for so long and lying to him simply felt wrong so she told him everything.

Jason wasn’t amused with what she’d told him but he chose not to let her know that. Deep down he knew a girl like her would never fall for him. He knew that very well. He only wished that it wasn’t Brian Littrell she had feelings for. That was like playing a game of darts as an amateur against a champion like Phill Taylor. Destined for failure. She also told him about what happened yesterday. A part of him just couldn’t stand Brian. The way, he heard, Brian treated her yesterday made him angry. “Just promise me one thing ok?” he asked her as he laid his hand on hers “that if you ever need someone to$ talk to, or a shoulder for that matter, you come to me, ok?”. Nicky nodded and smiled shy. He stood up “I should go”. Nicky got up from the couch too. She brushed the crumbs of chips from her jeans and followed him to the door. Before he stepped out her room he turned around to her one last time “Nicky, I promise you if that guy ever does something to hurt you he’ll have to answer to me. He’ll better be good to you” he cupped her face with his hands and pierced her eyes with his stare “You only deserve the best Princess” he bended over to her and before Nicky realized what had happened he gave her a small kiss on her forehead and left.  

She closed the door and was bedazzled. She didn’t knew what to think anymore. She was falling head over heels for Brian but there was still a part of her that had feelings for Jason. “aaaaaahhhhhhh” she growled out loud feeling frustrated. Instead of taking a shower she decided to put on her gym clothes and headed off to the gym of the hotel. She had to take her mind off of it for a moment. She had the gym all for herself and for forty five minutes she ran on the treadmill, she then lifted weights, trained her abs and spend half an hour on the cross trainer. Out of breath and soaked in sweat she went back to her room and took a hot shower. When she was done her mind was clear again. She wanted Brian and that’s it.

After dinner Brian called her. They were probably coming back late so they agreed he would stop by her room tomorrow.  

She then went over to Lauren and Leigh where Kylie later joined them too and played cards and board games in the hotel lobby. After a couple of hours they all went back to their rooms and went to sleep.